Counseling: (913) 991-3974

True Self Counseling Articles

Sharing Insights, Stories, and Resources

The Courage to be Myself – – Sue Patton Thoele

The Courage to be Myself – – Sue Patton Thoele

I have the courage to . . . Embrace my strengths— Get excited about life— Enjoy giving and receiving love — Face and transform my fears— Ask for help and support when I need it— Spring free of the Superwoman Trap— Trust myself— Make my own decisions and choices—...

People-Pleasing: Is it really such a good thing?

People-Pleasing: Is it really such a good thing?

Excerpts from The Disease to Please (Harriet B. Braiker) Additional annotations by Molly Pierce, MA, LPC, NCC Has anyone ever told you that you’re a people-pleaser?  Don’t be so flattered…it’s not really a compliment.  It feels better to view people-pleasing as an...

‘Tis the Season of Depression

‘Tis the Season of Depression

Depression is the most common mental disorder. Most of us have either experienced some level of depression ourselves or know someone who has. Unfortunately, depressed mood tends to be exacerbated in times of stress, such as the busy holiday season. It also increases...

Physical Risks of Depression

Physical Risks of Depression

Most people realize all of the emotional, mental and social tolls that Depression takes on a person and his or her loved ones.  I.e. Extreme feelings of sadness, excessive guilt, isolation, changes in eating patterns, changes in sleeping patterns, and so forth....

Pearls of Wisdom from Experts Across the Nation

“A large part of marriage is about meeting each other’s needs. Most spouses within a healthy marriage want to meet their spouse’s needs, but they don’t always know how. This is why it’s so important not only to strive to meet your spouse’s needs, but also to voice...

Take Control of Your Anxiety

Take Control of Your Anxiety

Everybody deals with stress and anxiety at different points in their life. It’s normal to feel anxious or nervous before taking an exam, having a performance review at work, or when faced with a difficult decision. But when worry and fear consume your life or cause so...